Who we are: problem solvers!

We are a boutique advisory firm, providing personalized, tailored solutions to help you untangle business process, risk, controls, and audit turmoil, alleviating the stress and reducing the costs that go with it.

Why we do what we do: we love problem solving!

We started this firm because we love problem solving and really dislike stress. And let’s face it, some of the biggest stressors (and highest costs!) are caused by tangled and inefficient business processes, audits (insert sour lemon face here), unmitigated risk and control gaps, and expensive software that doesn’t help you. Plus, most people have a day job, so fixing these issues is difficult to prioritize.

Since process improvement, audit (both internal and external), controls, and risk management is what we’ve done for the last quarter of a century, we realized that we could help with this… thus, Melody Advisory was born.

How we do what we do: right-sized solutions, no expensive investments!

We partner closely with you to understand your business and your specific concerns, and then create customized solutions that meet your needs. We are not a one-size-fits-all shop (after all, does one size really fit all? My hat would disagree).

We start with what you already have, and go from there. There is generally no need for immediate extensive investments in systems or staff. We aim for solutions that are both right-sized for where you are now and scalable for the future.

Our goal is to not only help you with your issues, but also to make you look good to your stakeholders (professionally, that is).

Why you should work with us: humor, expertise, and personal attention!

Let’s write this part in bullets, because everyone loves a good bullet list. Here we go:

  • We have over a quarter of a century of extensive experience in process improvement, audit, controls, and risk management. We have held roles in both audit (internal and external) and management, including at the executive level. We understand the drivers and motivations behind all the parties, and enjoy educating others on how to navigate.

  • We generally don’t use “consulting speak” because nobody has time for business gobbledygook (we also have no idea what “Synergistic Optimization of Core Competencies” is, other than that it sounds expensive).

  • We have passion for our profession, and an uplifting and lighthearted approach. We infuse humor into everything we do. Our positivity can be inspiring. Life is too short for grumpy faces.

  • We genuinely want to help and are always happy to discuss issues, questions, or concerns. We are supportive and encouraging and will tell you what you need to know, but in a nice way.

  • We are 100% woman-owned and operated!

In Conclusion

Everyone (especially college professors) loves a good “in conclusion” paragraph, so let’s do that here:

In conclusion, we love what we do and we want to help you. We bring humor, extensive knowledge and experience, and excellent problem solving skills. Reach out to us today (buttons are below), and let us be your process fixer, controls implementor, audit tamer, strategy sounding board, best friend, or all of the above!

Click one of the buttons and let’s get started!